Saturday, 30 August 2014

'Oh What A Night!'

Apologies for descending into silence as I have been on holiday for the past 2 weeks (look forward to a post on that soon!) But, as I have had such a fun and exciting summer holidays, I thought I would rewind and tell you about some of the amazing things I have been up to! At the very start of the holidays, my family and I travelled up to London for the day and we had the pleasure of going to see Jersey Boys as the Piccadilly Theatre. Now, as this is something that I have wanted to see for a very long time - I had literally been 'Beggin'' (look out for more cheesy Jersey Boys puns along the way!)  my parents to take me to see this -  you can imagine that I was extremely excited. So after traipsing around London for the day and doing all of the touristy things such as visiting the London Eye and going to Hyde Park (maybe even falling asleep in Hyde park....) We headed to the show in the evening!

Not only was the show one of the best that I have ever seen - and my repertoire includes Wicked (twice!), Oliver, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - but I definitely think that it is one that I will be seeing again. From the incredible acting to the magical songs and voices this show was thoroughly enjoyable throughout and I would recommend anyone and everyone to see it right away, yes I mean now, it has literally left me in a 'Trance'. I found myself to be continually tapping my foot throughout and maybe even singing rather loudly in some parts (oops!) as the songs are so catchy and enjoyable that you cant help but sing and move along with them :) However, not only was this musical infectiously lovable and likeable, I also found myself tearing up at some parts (tissues at the ready ladies!)
But, I shall stop gushing now as I really could go on forever about this flawless musical, hope you enjoyed this weeks scoop, see you next time when I will be 'Working My Way Back to You'!
Love Laura xx

Saturday, 16 August 2014

First Taste of Summer Scoop!

So this is just a short introduction to my blog and a little about myself (hold the groans I promise it'll be short and sum what entertaining!) 

So I am a 17 year old blogger and am currently studying my a-levels in BTEC Sport, English Literature and Sociology, and like many other people my age I am trying to decide my fate for next year (dundundun!) whether that be University, Apprenticeship etc. Therefore, I have decided to create this blog in order to gain some experience as I have always enjoyed being creative and am considering studying some sort of journalism or creative writing  :)
So, this will be a place for me to ramble about my favourite books (warning: yes I am a nerd!), films, interesting things I may be doing or have already done already and occasionally to rant when needed!

Thank you for reading (if any one is!) and I hope you enjoy my various blog posts to come! (Although I am off on holiday soon so there will be a short delay!) 

Looking forward to expanding my blog and blogging experience,

Love Laura xx